Dairy Testing Tools - Dairy Testing 101 | Weber Scientific

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People have consumed dairy for thousands of years. For centuries, dairy goods remained relatively local due to the short shelf life of milk. Today, however, the industry has a global reach thanks to advancements in science and technology.

With this reach comes the responsibility to meet regulatory standards and consumer needs, requiring specialized dairy testing for better results.

The Composition of Milk

Milk carries each of the necessary nutritional components of physiological body processes:

  • Water (87.8%)
  • Protein (3.20%)
  • Lactose (4.80%)
  • Minerals (0.70%)

Why is Dairy Testing Important?

In the U.S., approximately 42 billion pounds of fluid milk products are sold annually. We test them for safety and for quality. It is important to ensure that what we consume is safe (according to government standards) and is consistent, reliable and enjoyable/

When and Where Dairy Testing Occurs

Milk is the primary ingredient in several different dairy products, each of which has its own unique properties, but the dairy supply chain for milk is fairly static. This allows for predictable, stage-based testing.

  • Step 1: Milk production
  • Step 2: Milk transport
  • Step 3: Milk processing
  • Step 4: Packaging
  • Step 5: Distribution
  • Step 6: Retail
  • Step 7: Consumption

Dairy Testing Tools

Dairy testing allows all involved parties, from producer to consumer, to confidently enjoy dairy products. The following dairy testing tools and tests are most commonly used:

As a single source of the dietary elements needed for the maintenance of proper health, none surpasses milk. With this, it is essential to remain vigilant in production, processing and distribution of dairy products.

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